As children, we have all played with blocks of wood. We have built towers and stairs and then knocked them all down. It was fun!
Can you imagine playing complex strategy games with simple wooden blocks? Blocks is proof. A set of 40 beautiful wooden blocks in two colors is all you need. And the blocks have it all: their special size is the building block for two exiting games. A haptic and tactical pleasure!
Kwinty - The Wall
The players are building together a wall between them. It is all about the visible sides of the blocks. Each block side corresponds to two equal-sized squares and exactly that is what counts! The aim of the game is to arrange the blocks in a series of five "squares" of the same color (horizontally, vertically or diagonally), while at the same time to block your opponent from doing the same. Sounds easy, but it is not - as always when two players want the same thing.
Turris - The Tower
Brick by brick the tower grows in height between the players creating on its four sides a patchwork of light and dark blocks.
The players try to create concatenations of the sides of their blocks to the largest possible contiguous areas and at the same time to cut the opponent's surfaces. But be careful: each side of the tower is considered separately and individually evaluated at the end. The better the blocks are set, the more points you will earn.