Kickstarter Exclusive Optional playmat version of the Ankh: Gods of Egypt board. Made out of thick 3 mm neoprene, this full-color playmat has border stitching for extra durability.
Since the game is designed specifically to work on the 6 cm hexagonal spaces, there is no reason to make the map board itself oversized. Instead, what we did was integrate as many functionalities as possible within the playmat. This makes the playmat 97.3×63.4 cm which is already even bigger than the oversized Blood Rage playmat! To the right of the map we have added a remodeled stretched-out Devotion Track. To the left of the map we have the Action Tracks and Event Track. We have also added a new feature, which would normally just sit next to the board: a Guardians area. This features slots for the Guardian reference cards of all 3 levels, as well as a holding area next to them to place the Guardian figures that have not yet been gained by players.
Note that the playmat is available in English only (and so is the Art Book).
Dimensions: 97.3×63.4 cm
Weight: 1 kg (±5 g)