76 cards of extra content that was created during the Kickstarter-campaign of The Pursuit of Happiness: Experiences and will be sold separately afterwards. All cards are marked with the 'KS3'-logo in the right bottom of the picture.
It contains 8 mini expansions.
1. Kids: 13 Kid cards including "Twins!"
2. Single Parents: 3 Partner cards (Have "Draw a Kid Card" as their L1)
3. Group Items: 4 Item cards with the "Group Item" type on the lower front
4. Higher Education: 9 Project cards (These have a graduation cap icon in the upper left)
5. Health Activities: 5 Activity cards with the "Health Activity" type on the lower front
6. Safety & Security: 6 Job cards with the "Security & Safety Job" type
7. Store Owners: 6 Job cards with "Start Business" as its job type
8. Inheritance: 8 Inheritance cards that say "Relative" on the lower front
Additionally there are:
- 2 Life Goal cards
- 2 Child Trait cards
- 4 Activity cards
- 4 Item cards
- 7 Project cards
- 3 Partner cards