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Sequence Dogs

99.00 RON
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Enjoy the great game of Sequence featuring a unique collection of cuddly canines. Be the first player to get 5 chips in a row by matching the pooch pictured on your cards to the same ones on the game board. Each card also has a brief description or fact about the dog shown. So go 'fetch' your family and friends for a fun strategic game of Sequence Dogs. As in traditional Sequence, the object of the game is for one player or team to form a line of five or more consecutive chips, either orthogonally or diagonally. Players take turns drawing and playing cards, using a card from hand to claim one space on the board matching the played card. 2 or 3 players can play; higher player counts are supported via team play.
Jax Ltd.
Joc de baza


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Sequence Dogs

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